The Messenger revolves around a ninja receiving a scroll from a Western hero after surviving a Demon King attack upon his village. Then, he is appointed as “The Messenger” with a quest to deliver the scroll to the top of a mountain. For its gameplay, the Messenger is a retro-inspired platformer game where you play as a ninja, with abilities like wall climbing, air gliding and shuriken throwing. As you advance through the game, “The Messenger” progresses from 8-bit to 16-bit graphics and audio to denote the two different eras portrayed in the game. If you like retro and classic platformer, do grab the free game by 21 November on Epic Games Store. However, if you wish to get the game on other platforms, it is also available on the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch for RM70 and US$19.99 (~RM83) respectively. (Source: Epic Games Store via PC Gamer)