Twitter account Charlie Intel, which follows the franchise closely, shared a job listing at publisher Activision with those key words. To quote the phrase in the job description, it describes 2022 as having a “line up of innovations in curated player experiences, multi-platform game play, subscription-based content, mobile game development and a move to always on community and player connectivity”. Activision is calling this the Call of Duty 2.0 era. Beyond the buzzwords that were thrown around, nothing much has been described about what the publisher is working on. On one hand, not very surprising since it’s still a job description. But on the other, the Call of Duty 2.0 bit sounds more like something that would belong in a press release more than a hiring notice. While multi-platform gaming is good, curated player experiences can really go both ways. The same goes for subscription services, of which there are more and more of lately. (Source: Charlie Intel / Twitter)

Activision Job Listing Mentions Call Of Duty 2 0  Subscription Content - 14